Taking advantage of dtg printing as a clothing brand

In a world that is fast moving and always changing, you need to find new ways to adapt to the market. In this case, the Fashion trends are always changing and you need to deliver. So you may be asking, what is DTG Printing and how can it help me with my brand? So before we dive into details, let’s first get to know what DTG Printing is.
What is direct to garment printing?
Direct to Garment Printing, is a new technology that prints with water-based inks. So when printed, the fabric of the garment ABSORBS the ink rather than sitting on TOP like Screen Printing. So think of your home printer that prints paper, it’s exactly like that but a printer for t-shirts.

Photo credit to PunchCity LLC
taking advantage
A popular way that we see trend through our doors is this execution. . .
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